City of Eupora
Eupora Municipal Court is held on Tuesdays. Preliminary hearings are held at and hearings are conducted at 3:00 PM. The Municipal Court Clerk serve as the clerk of the court. The clerk is under the direction of Judge Meek and Chief of Police Lawrence Caradine.
Court Rules: EFFECTIVE JUNE 7, 2022
Preparing for Court
You are expected to be prompt with your court attendance.
Talking is not allowed unless you are speaking with, a member of the court staff or your attorney.
The following items are not allowed in the courtroom:
Cell phones or pagers. If your cell phone rings during court, you are subject to being held in contempt.
Sunglasses on top of your head or around your neck
Shorts (kneecap or below the kneecap in length)
Untucked clothing
Tank tops (Shoulders need to be covered)
Reading materials (newspapers, magazines)
​If you have any of these items, you should not enter the courtroom.
When your name is called, say HERE OR PRESENT loud enough to be heard, and step forward to a line in front of the bench for disposition of your case. Do not step forward of that line.
If you are represented by an attorney, you should have your attorney with you when your name is called.
If you have anything in your hands, you can place the items on one of the tables.
If you are a parent, you can step forward with your son or daughter.
Do not place your hands in your pockets; keep them by your side.
Make sure that you are not chewing gum.
Make sure to address everyone in the courtroom with “YES SIR / MA'AM” and “NO SIR / MA'AM.”
You are not allowed to communicate with prisoners at any time during court.
If you cannot pay your fine in full, you can see one of the court clerks to make arrangements to pay your fine. The court accepts a minimum payment of $50.00 per month until paid in full. Further, you are subject to being held in contempt of court if you fail to meet the terms of your payment agreement
150 Dunn Street
Eupora, Mississippi 39744