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City of Eupora - Tourism Tax for Parks and Recreation

Special Election - July 18, 2023

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Every small town struggles with funding for Parks and Recreation.  The State of Mississippi allows a municipality to hold a special election and asks the Citizens to VOTE on whether to implement a 2% tax to provide support for Parks and Recreation and amenities for both citizens and guests to enjoy. 


This tax would be applied to Hotels, Motels, AirBNBs and any establishment serving prepared food or beverages  (defined as any food or beverage product that is altered from its original form, then sold).     


This isn't a new concept.  Over (100) cities and counties in the State of Mississippi have implemented a tourism tax to fund their Parks and Recreation Departments and Amenities for their communities.  In our region Starkville, Columbus, Lowndes County, Houston, Louisville, Greenwood, Grenada, Indianola, Kosciusko, Montgomery County, Philadelphia, Vaiden, Winona, and West Point have all implemented a tourism tax to help pay for Parks and Recreation and provide amenities for their citizens and guests to enjoy.  This is a tool that the State provides to take some of the tax burden off the city residents and spread it amongst the folks coming into town from outside the city limits.  Spreading the tax burden also allows the city to use funds that were going to Parks and Rec for other infrastructure and community needs.

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